The conference Room of the Ministry for Youth Development and Sports was a hive of heated debate recently when the SAMBO Association held its election of officers for the period 2020-2023. Interestingly, everyone was elected unopposed.The session was supervised by Dr. Sushil Balchanda , Advocate High Court, Delhi Sh. Vinod Yadav was elected as the President, Sh. Pawan Kumar Devgan, Sh.R.P. Chander, Sh. J.S. Ahlawat and Sh. S.P. Sharma were elected as the Vice-President, Sh. Deputy Ram Sharma as Secretary General, Sh. Lalit Narain and Sh. Amit Kumar as Joint Secretary, Sh. Shyam Sunder as Treasurer, Sh. R.K. Bhardwaj, Sh. Shyam Lal and Sh. Rahul Bhardwaj as Executive Member.Sh. Suresh Kumar as Advisor cum Chairman Coaching Commission, Sh. A.C. Saxena as Advisor cum Chairman Technical Commission, Col. PD Vashishtha as Advisor cum CEO of International co-ordinator, Mr. Lalit Narain as Advisor cum Chairman Athlete Commission, Smt. Sunita Rani as Advisor cum Chairman Women Athlete Commission, Sh. P.Ram Babu as Advisor cum Chairman Athletes & Entourage Commission, Sh. TVSN Prasad, IAS as Advisor cum Chairman Sambo Development Commission, Sh. Ashok Khemka, IAS as Advisor cum Chairman Legal Ethics & Discipline Commission, Dr. Saket Kumar, IAS as Advisor cum Chairman, Medical & Anti-Doping Commission, Sh. Vinod Yadav as Advisor cum Chairman Finance Commission, Sh. Anup Naik as Advisor cum Chairman Media & Publicity Commission, Sh. R.P. Chander, IAS Retd. as Advisor cum Chairman Selection Committee, Sh. O.P. Bishnoi as Advisor & Member Secretary Technical Commission, and Sh. Dilbagh Singh as Advisor & Member Technical Commission.Information shared by Mr. Aashish Kumar Sharma, Media Member Secretary, SAMBO Federation of India.