In a bid to end the paddy straw burning woes completely, and to resolve the issues arising out of paddy straw burning Justice (Retd.) Mehtab Singh Gill led committee on Tuesday held a meeting with Kisan Unions at Kisan Bhawan here. Notably, the Committee was constituted by Punjab Chief Minister to resolve the issues arising out of Paddy straw burning in Punjab.During the meeting, it was decided to seek proposals from Kisan Unions to end the menace of residue burning and manage the paddy straw in eco-friendly manner. After giving sympethatic consideration to the issues raised by the Kisan Unions, the committee decided to involve the unions to resolve the issues and to solve the menace permanently.To achieve the goal of zero stubble burning, Secretary Agriculture Mr. K.S. Pannu said that Punjab Government has provided more than 51000 agro-machines to the state's farmers with a subsidy components of Rs. 489 crore during the previous two paddy season. "Without the cooperation of the farmers and Farmer Unions we can not make the Punjab a zero stubble burning state", said Mr.Pannu.Political Secretary to CM Punjab Captain Sandeep Sandhu besides representatives of Ad DGP punjab , PPCB, Patiala and PAU, Ludhiana also attended the meeting. During the meeting, Rajinder Singh of Kirti Kissan Union, Jagmohan Singh Uppal of BKU Dakonda, Sukhdev Singh of BKU Ugrahan, Mehar Singh Theri of BKU Sidhupur and Nachhatat Singh of BKU Lakhowal strongly put forward the views of farmers on the issue.