A delegation of senior bureaucrats of Rajasthan under the Chairmanship of Revenue Minister of Rajasthan, Harish Chaudhary on Thursday met GS Kangar, Revenue Minister Punjab at Punjab Bhawan, Chandigarh.Giving details of the meeting Mr. Kangar informed that the Rajasthani delegation visited with the intent of streamlining their Revenue Department by adopting and implementing best practices followed by Punjab Revenue Department under the able guidance of Captain Amarinder Singh, Chief Minister Punjab.After the formal meeting of the Revenue Ministers of Rajasthan and Punjab, the officers of Revenue Department of both the States held deliberations at length.Discussions were held on Revenue Acts, Rules and Administrative Setup of Revenue Department in Punjab. The Rajasthani delegation evinced keen interest in the consolidation of land holdings in Punjab, which ushered Green Revolution in the State.The team was much impressed by the Land Record Computerisation initiative of Punjab and enquired in detail about the maintenance and updation of Revenue Record in Punjab.Besides others, the meeting was attended by FCR Punjab, Mr.KBS Sidhu, Additional Secretary Revenue Punjab,Capt. Karnail Singh, Mr. LR Guggerwal and Mr. Rakesh Sharma (both officers from Rajasthan Administrative Services).