A colourful Mass Wedding Function was organized by the SantNirankari Mission here today, where 73 couples tied their nuptial knot in the Holy presence of Satguru Mata SudikshaJiMaharaj. The venue was the ThakkarGround in Borgad, Nashik where the 3-day 53rdAnnual NirankariSantSamagam of Maharashtra concluded in the evening, yesterday.The simple ceremony began with traditional ‘Jaimala’ followed by a common garland for each couple – a special feature of Nirankari wedding. Thereafter, ‘NirankariLavan’, the four sacred hymns were sung with music, each followed by showering of flowers by Her Holiness and devotees attending the ceremony.The ceremony concluded with divine blessings from Satguru Mata SudikshaJiMaharaj. Her Holiness congratulated all the families coming from not only Maharashtra but several other parts of the country for participating in this simple ceremony. As a matter of fact they are already spiritually one while today a new dimension has been added by this social relationship. It’s not only a bond between husband and wife instead, it’s a relation between two families which needs to be respected by both. They have to perform their duties devotedly, invoking Nirankar thus making their married life beautiful. Her Holiness exhorted the couples to fulfill their responsibilities of the material life but they should give priority to their duties as compare to rights. Satguru Mata Ji prayed to Nirankar for their welfare along with Sewa, Satsang and Sumiran.
Ceremony Highlights:
In today’s Mass Marriage Ceremony the wedding took place on inter-regional basis. While a total number of 29 bridegrooms and 28 brides belonged to Mumbai, 38 bridegrooms and 35 brides came from other parts of Maharashtra. 6 bridegrooms and 10 brides belonged to other States and Union Territories including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Chandigarh and Delhi. One bride belonged to U.K.As regards their educational and professional qualifications, 18 bridegrooms and 21number of brides were Graduates and 5 bridegrooms and equal number of brides were Post Graduate. In addition there were 3 Engineers and 4 MBA among bridegrooms and 1 Engineer and 2 MBAs among brides. 2 brides were Pharmacists. In 8 couples girls were better qualified than boys and the same was true in the case of another 9 couples where the boys happened to have higher educational qualifications than the girls.Interestingly, 10 bridegrooms and 14 brides came from outside the Mission. It means 24 families preferred the simple Nirankari Marriage ceremony. The significant feature of Nirankari Mass Marriages is that caste or religion is no consideration for deciding the relation. All the couples, their parents and relatives attended the ceremony. They were served Langar on behalf of the Mission which gave a feeling of equality and unity to all concerned.