“Sanjay Tandon and his family are great example of how social values and inspiration passed on by the elders of the family reflect in their deeds. Sanjay Tandon has setup a foundation in his father’s name to carry forward several social welfare activities as started by his father.” Said PremGoyal, a senior social activist of RSS at a special camp organized by Balramji Tandon Charitable Foundation to distribute free ration to the poor widows in the area. The event was chaired by Haryana VidhanSabha Speaker Sh. Gian Chand Gupta. BalramjiTandon Charitable Foundation distributed free ration to 26 widows in this program and pledged to provide ration to them every month from now on. A book in memory of Late Sh. Balramji Das Tandon was also released at the event. The book is a collection of letters written by various leaders to pay tribute to Sh. Balramji Das Tandon.
Addressing the public on the occasion, PremGoyal said, he is pleased to see how the Tandon family has taken over to continue the various activities of social welfare as started by Sh. Balramji Das Tandon. He inspired his son Sanjay to donate blood on his birthday. In this way he very subtly motivated his son towards the social welfare activities.
Addressing the public, Sh. Gian Chand Gupta said, distributing free ration to poor and needy widows is a commendable contribution for welfare underprivileged of the society. He said, he has a very old connect with Sh. Balramji Das Tandon and today being part of this program it feels as if through his ideas and values Balramji Das Tandon is still with them. He commended the efforts put in by Sanjay to continue the rich legacy of his late father Sh. Balramji Das Tandon.Addressing the people, Sanjay said, with inspiration from his father Balramji Das Tandon, along with his family members instituted a foundation to further the social welfare activities started by his father. Program for annual memorial lecture has been formulated in association with Panjab University to inspire and spread wisdom from BalramJi Das Tandon’s life. First lecture in this series was organized on August 14, 2019 at Panjab University Law Auditorium where Vice President M.V. Naidu addressed the public and made people aware about important ideas from Balramji Das Tandon’s life. He appealed to the people that is anybody who wants to help the widows through this scheme can contribute to BalramjiDassTandon Charitable Foundation, Account No. 163801000684, IFSC Code: ICIC0001638 in ICICI Bank. We have applied for Income tax exemption under section 80G, which shall be available sooner than later. You can also recommend any new case, for which form can be taken from our website www.tandonindia.com . All are requested to contribute in this scheme.