Tightening the noose around the Food Business Operators trying to sneak sub-standard khoya into state, the Food Safety Officers have been directed to maintain a special vigil on railway stations, inter-state buses, trucks and cold stores, informed KS Pannu Commissioner Food and Drug Administration Punjab.He said that regular inspections have curtailed the production of sub-standard and spurious products to a large extent in the state but the intent to earn quick profits may lure some FBOs to buy inferior quality raw material from neighbouring areas. So, to check the inflow of sub- standard food material, the food safety teams have been directed to work in consonance with Railway authorities who may inform them whenever there is any Khoya or paneer in transit and also check the cold stores in their jurisdiction.The checking of buses is also underway and there have been a couple of breakthroughs in the same in Ludhiana wherein khoya from Bikaner, Rajasthan was being sneaked in via an interstate bus.Besides, milk vehicles enroute supply to the sweet shops and dairies early in the morning, are being checked.In a run up to Diwali, the ambit of food safety inspections has been increased, said he and informed that the rural sweet-meat outlets have also now been brought under regular inspection.