Dr. Ajay Kumar Gupta, Director Health Service HP-cum-Project Director, HP State AIDS Control Society has informed that the Regional Review meeting of National AIDS Control Programme for North India was held at Dharamshala to review the progress and achievements of implementation of IEC and Mainstreaming Component in the States in which 45 participants from 9 states (Punjab, JK, Delhi, Uttaranchal, Chandigarh, Haryana Gujarat and HP) deliberated for cross learning and sharing.Dr Naresh Goel-Deputy Director General, National AIDS Control Organization addressing the group highlighted the role of IEC and focus on ‘prevention’. He shared that Youth in schools and colleges are very vulnerable in terms of their engagement in sexual activities and drug abuse. He asked States to sensitize them on regular basis and prepare them as change makers for HIV prevention. He stressed upon States to develop a comprehensive plan for reduction of stigma and discrimination and provide a conducive environment where people feel free to know their status. He called upon states to facilitate implementation of ‘HIV and AIDS Act, 2017’.
Dr Ajay Gupta, Director, Health Service cum Project Director HP State AIDS Control Society, addressing the gathering stated that this is workshop of creative-yaans. He shared example of best practices. He added that State is committed for providing social protection and upliftingstatus of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and schemes for financial support and others are being started for PLHIV.This meeting has given opportunity to all participating states to learn from each other and to bring more effectiveness to IEC and Mainstreaming activities in their respective states. Dr Gopal Beri, Deputy Director Health Servicesand HPSACS in the State said that we have achieved regular increase in testing and blood collection which is an indicator of impact to IEC in the State.He added that for popularization of RRCs, new logo-branding of Red Ribbon Clubs was done by HP SACS. He said that HPSACS is taking campaigns for increasing HIV testing and focusing on Voluntary Counselling & Testing at Work (VCT@Work).Dr Rajesh Rana, National Consultant (IEC) NACO shared the roadmap of the IEC interventions. Social Mobilization like Red Ribbon Express, Rights based approach and enabling environment will be key components of the strategy. Social media is an important tool and States to capitalize and optimize its use as it is a low-cost and high-impact tool. For Mainstreaming, 18 MOUs have been signed with various ministries for HIV prevention activities.Other National and Senior Officers of SACS,Additional Project Directors from Haryana, Delhi, Gujarat and Officers of IEC & Mainstreaming Division of 8 State AIDS Control Societies,Dr Gurdarshan Gupta, Chief Medical OfficerKangra; Dr Rajesh Guleri, District Health Officer and Dr RK Sood Distt AIDS Programme Officer participated in the workshop.