Adviser to Governor Khurshid Ahmad Ganai chaired the 16th board meeting of Jammu and Kashmir Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (JKBOCWWB).CEO/Secretary, JKBOCWWB Muzaffer Ahmad Pir gave a brief introduction about the board and members were apprised about various welfare schemes and last years performance.The efforts of the board in incurring the expenditure of Rs 72 crores on the welfare schemes and all time high collection of the Cess amounting to Rs 150 crores were applauded ay all the board members.Various issues pertaining to construction workers were discussed threadbare and substantial decision in the matters of Marriage Assistance Insurance and Pension Scheme were taken for the Welfare of Workers.The efforts of the JKBOCWWB in improving social security of the construction workers were acknowledged by the chair and he lauded the outstanding achievements of the board in the financial year.