In tune with the theme of the mela‘Pavan guru paani pitaa maataa dharat mahat’ (Wind is the teacher, Water is the father, and Earth is the great mother), kisanmela was organised at KrishiVigyan Kendra (KVK), Rauni, Patiala. As many as 138 stalls were put up exhibiting farm literature, varied agricultural tools and equipments which attracted a huge rush of farmers. The mela was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of the occasion Dr B.S.Ghumman, Vice Chancellor, Punjabi University, Patiala; and Dr Baldev Singh Dhillon, Vice Chancellor, PAU and Padma Shri Awardee. The mela saw the gracious presence of the Guest of Honour Sh. Davinder Singh Chahal, Member, Board of Management, PAU and the other dignitaries.In his inaugural address,Chief Guest, Dr B.S.Ghumman appreciated the commendable outreach of the university through its KisanMelas which provide a befitting platform to farmers for knowledge-enhancing interactions. He called PAU the ‘Backbone of India’ for making pathbreaking contributions in the field of agriculture.He emphasised the role of the university in disseminating knowledge and promoting research.He drew attention of the gathering towards the economic condition of the farming fraternity. If we have to save Punjab from agrarian crisis, the central government will have to contribute by fixing minimal price of the crops, he added. He further mentioned in his discourse that effective plans and programmes should be implemented by the government keeping the interest of farmers in mind. He encouraged the farmers to follow the instructions of the scientists of PAU and adopt latest farming techniques for better outcome. He suggestedthat the guidelines given by the university experts will help the farmers in earning profits of their produce and in getting better yields.In his presidential remarks, Dr Baldev Singh Dhillontold the gathering that the theme of the mela reminds us about the teachings of Shri Guru Nanak DevJi who believed that all humans have an intrinsic sensitivity towards environment.He felicitated the gathering on 550th birth anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak DevJi. Keeping the teachings of the great guru in mind, Dr Dhillonexhorted the farmers to make judicious use of natural resources.
The endeavours in this direction will lead to sustainable agriculture, he added.He highlighted in his address that declining water levels are continuously giving a clarion call to take requisite steps for saving mother earth from an impending disaster.He further cautioned the farmers against the hazards of stubble burning and urged them to give it a considerable thought. The soil fertility is gauged by the nutrients present in its crust which are necessary for the growth of crops but stubble burning leads to the loss of essential nutrients which is a matter of great concern, he remarked. He felicitated the farming community for their unflinching support to the university which helps the scientists of PAU to devise new plans, undertake new initiatives and take requisite actions for their wellbeing.In his address, Sh. Davinder Singh Chahal mentioned that PAU has been instrumental in taking innovative steps in the form of introducing mela themes as per the demand of times. He added that these mela themes not only helpin streamlining the agricultural practices but also encourage the farming community to channelize their energies in the right direction. He asked the farmers to work in unison and save water, air and earth which is in consonance with the theme of the mela. There is an emerging need to curtail expenditure and adopt a novel approach towards agriculture by practicing precision farming, he told the farmers.Dr Navtej Singh Bains, Director of Research, PAU, shared some of the research initiatives of the university which are planned and designed painstakingly to meet various agricultural challenges. He mentioned that the present day research is focused on strengthening the farming community by formulating plans and programmes which lead to better income prospects.
He informed the gathering that the university has introduced new crop varieties and production techniques and apprised the farmers of the characteristics of newly developed varieties of Wheat, Raya Sarson, Summer Moong,Berseem etc.He mentioned that the university is promoting soilless agriculture research technique, a popular way of growing plants indoor, which reduces the risk of crops being exposed to pests and harsh weather conditions. He also threw light on Urea Guide App, Green Seeker and drip irrigation technology which can be used for conservation of natural resources.Dr Jaskarn Singh Mahal, Director of Extension Education, PAU, accorded a warm welcome to the gathering. Pressing upon the need to attend training programmes organised by PAU from time to time, he brought attention of the farmers towards how these programmes can help them in keeping themselves abreast of the latest farming techniques that can bring a revolutionary change in agriculture. He encouraged the farming community to read various publications of PAU like KhetiSandesh, the digital newspaper; ChangiKheti and Progressive Farming, the monthly magazines; Kisan App and the Farmers’ Portal on the PAU website, which are meticulously designed keeping their needs in mind. He also shared the university’s toll-free number for establishing communication with the experts of the university.To address the queries of farmers and give appropriate solutions to the field related problems, an interactive session was organised by the scientists of PAU. The scientists shared their knowledge and expertise with the farmers and enlightened them on diversification of crops and better utilization of resources. The interactive session dispelled the apprehension of farmers on various farm related issues.Dr Jasvinder Singh, Associate Director (Trg.), KVK, Patiala, while proposing vote of thanks, expressed his gratitude towards farmers for thronging the mela in big numbers. He also thanked the dignitaries for their gracious presence and insightful discussions.