"Kabir Singh" has minted Rs 104.90 crore in India, making it actor Shahid Kapoor's first solo century, says a trade analyst. Its makers have added 46 screens in the US."'Kabir Singh' cruises past Rs 100 crore. Shahid Kapoor scores his first solo century. Extraordinary trending on weekdays. Eyes Rs 130 crore + total in Week 1 - Friday - Rs 20.21 crore, Saturday Rs 22.71 crore, Sunday Rs 27.91 crore, Monday Rs 17.54 crore, Tuesday Rs 16.53 crore. "Total: Rs 104.90 crore. India business. Blockbuster," trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted on Wednesday.Taran had earlier tweeted that wave of "Kabir Singh", which shows Shahid's character in a self-destructive mode, had gripped the nation. "Emerges Shahid Kapoor's highest grosser in three days (after 'Padmaavat').""Padmaavat", a Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial, also featured Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh."Kabir Singh", also starring Kiara Advani, is a T-Series and Cine1 Studios presentation. It is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Murad Khetani, Krishan Kumar and Ashwin Varde. "After a fantastic opening weekend, 'Kabir Singh' has now crossed Rs 100 crore mark. The international markets are also abuzz, we had 132 screens opened in the US for week 1. But the rage of the film has got us to add 46 screens more in the US," Bhushan said in a statement.
Murad shared that they initially planned to release the film in 2,500-2,800 screens pan India but "owing to the response we garnered in advance booking, we released the movie in 3,123 screens. The film is loved by all and we are happy with the massive response it is garnering in the international market too". Ashwin added: "The commercial success is highly motivational and we hope the audiences keep pouring more love for the film."