Dialogue only way to resolve K-issue : Farooq Abdullah
5 Dariya News
Srinagar , 10 Apr 2019
Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President Dr Farooq Abdullah on Wednesday asserted that dialogue between India and Pakistan is the only way to resolve the protracted issue of J&K.Addressing a public gathering at Palpura, Idgha Party president Dr Farooq Abdullah said that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is not a consequence of lack of development rather the issue is political in nature. “The issue has held hostage the development of the sub-continent. Our party has all along maintained that the dialogue between the two nations affords a way out,” he said.Party president while appreciating the Pakistan PM Imran Khan for his statement wherein he has cast off the war as the option between India and Pakistan and impressed for dialogue to solve J&K said, “These words are coming from the PM of our neighbouring country, a former cricketer. However, on this side, our PM Modi is still speaking the language of a tea seller. National Conference too vouches for a time-bound result-oriented dialogue between India and Pakistan; we firmly believe the increased bonhomie between India and Pakistan will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity in our state and in the sub-continent in general.”“The issue of J&K has been lingering since 1947, how long shall our people suffer? No sooner we impress for a political solution of our state, we are outrightly tainted as anti-national. This has to stop. The government has to see what holds good for the greater good of the country and the sub-continent at large. The BJP led government at centre is using Kashmir to leverage its poll prospects elsewhere in the country. The trend should stop as it can have serious ramifications for the country’s unity and integrity,” He said.
Dr Farooq in a stinging attack on PM Modi, said, “During its stint in power BJP headed by PM has led to the amplification of hate particularly against Muslims. This is not the idea of India which was visualized by the founders of a modern-day India nation-state; they visualized a secular progressive country shorn of all prejudices and hate. PM Modi has not a speck of affection for the minorities. The other day when a Hindu police officer lost his life while saving a Muslim man from the mob frenzy of communalists, PM Modi didn’t come up with a word of homage and accolade for the slain police officer. This people see with their own eyes? Now it is for us to decide if we allow such a person to continue to be in the vanguard of the new government after elections,” he said.Dr Farooq while flaying PM Modi for squandering the precious mandate of people, said, “Wherever PM Modi goes he parrots Balakot Balakot! But when we seek an account of the work and development done by him, he paints us as anti-national. He has nothing to say on the achievements of his government, he is hiding his failures by masquerading behind Balakot Attack. His government wasn’t able to deliver on a single promise made by them in their election manifesto of 2014 general elections. People are asking where the jobs are. People are still waiting for 15 lakh Rupees to be deposited into their accounts. Every single edible has become dearer. The petrol, diesel prices are soaring high. The Modi led BJP led government is not leaving legacy but a caution for the times to come.”
“PM Modi has been flaunting the air strikes on Pakistan and bringing down of F16 Jets of Pakistan, however, the revelation coming from the USA does not attest to his claims. The USA has said that all the F16 jets of Pakistan are intact, therefore deflating the claims of Modi. It was the same USA that had come up with the satellite pics of Pak Army putting up in Mushko valley during the Kargil war. I myself saw that satellite pic. If the USA was right at that time why should its revelation be doubted at this juncture?” he said, adding, “Having been failed to deliver on every front, on every promise, the PM has amplified the scope of his gimmickry and lying. However people have seen it all with their eyes, no theatrics, and deception can affect the people of the country,” he said.Dr Farooq while flaying PM Modi for creating a humanitarian crisis in Kashmir by banning the civilian traffic on the national highway for two day a week, said, “The other day a family called on me and narrated the ordeal they had to go through in view of traffic ban. They couldn’t open the window panes of their car, they had to keep inside with their children causing an enormous nuisance to them. How can he think of winning the hearts of people by dolling out such repressive measures,” he said.Party president said that he won’t allow anyone to touch our status. “I won’t allow anyone to fiddle with the Art370, Art 35 A. we are seeking the restoration of our relation with the union on the basis of Delhi agreement of 1953 and on the fundamentals of the accession. This demand of ours has been attested to by the former PM P V Narsima Rao, who in his televised interview in Burkina Faso had attested to the demand of restoring the status of our state. He had affirmed that when it comes to granting autonomy to the state, the sky is the limit,” he said.