Peoples Conference senior leader and General Secretary Imran Reza Ansari on Sunday said that Article 35-A is an ‘article of trust & dignity’ and no power can even think of abrogating it.Addressing a gathering of thousands of workers in Hanjivera Pattan, Imran said that “Article 370 and 35-A are sacred for us and Constitutional guarantees of our special status form the basis of our relationship with India.Lashing out at NC, Congress & PDP for being facilitators and co-conspirators in every single machination launched against the state’s special status, Ansari said that these parties are now shedding crocodile tears so as to exploit sentiments of the people by projecting themselves as the protectors and saviors of Articles 35-A and 370.“The extent of autonomy which was once enjoyed by State of J&K has been diluted over the years with the concurrence of NC, PDP & Congress led state governments by making 47 amendments in J&K Constitution thus surrendering majority of legislative powers of the State Legislature and the executive powers of the State Government to the Parliament and the Union Government respectively. How can the destroyers of our special identity suddenly turn into protectors and bodyguards of Art. 35-A and Art. 370?”, he . He said PC is committed to safeguarding Article 35-A and Article 370 and will support all sincere efforts to restore the state’s special status to its pristine form. (PTK)