Prof. Bhim Singh, Chief Patron of JKNPP urged President of India to declare Art. 35 A as exhausted law as this was promulgated by the then President of India in 1954 authorizing the Govt. of J&K or its district magistrate to over-rule the command any fundamental rights in J&K. The situation was tense and the local govt. was not in a position to control the agitation caused because of the dismissal and arrest of Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah in 1953. The President of India issued such an Ordinance on the request of the then Prime Minister of J&K, Bakshi Gulam Mohd. Prof. Bhim Singh said that President issued such an Ordinance on emergency basis on the request of the then Prime Minister of India. NPP Supremo strongly claimed that this Ordinance lapsed after six months in 1954 only. He urged the President of India to declare this Ordinance as a closed chapter and no longer applicable.Prof. Bhim Singh also urged the President of India to use his exclusive power to amend Art. 370 with clear message that Art. 370, a temporary phase, shall stand amended following/direction to the Parliament of India to exercise its Constitutional authority to legislate in respect of three subjects which were included in the Instrument of Accession by J&K ruler on 26th October, 1947 while acceding to the Union of India. He said that President of India was the only authority who could amend any provision provided in Art. 370. He said that it is only President of India who has Constitutional power to amend any clause in Art. 370.
He regretted that it was blunder committed by the then leadership by putting a check mate on the powers of the President in respect of Art. 370. The ruler of J&K has given three subjects namely Defence, Foreign Affairs, Communications and Allied Maters to the Union of India and it was a casual exercise of the Constituent Assembly that it brought these items under Art. 370. 575 rulers had also signed Instrument of Accession by acceding three subjects to the Union of India. All 575 states were enrolled into the Union of India while keeping Jammu & Kashmir out of the Union by fixing Art. 370.Prof. Bhim Singh said that who committed the past blunders is not the issue for the debate today. There is only one need to abolish Art. 35 A and amend Art. 370 in order to open all the doors from Kanyakumari to Kashmir for the Indian flag and the Indian Constitution. This is the way to provide all fundamental rights to the citizens which are granted in the Indian Constitution.Prof. Bhim Singh strongly accused some ex-ruling parties like National Conference, PDP & some other vested interest for propagating for 35 A for the reason that this was the naked sword with which they ruled since 1950. The political parties should not be allowed to exploit the innocent and poor people any longer in the name of out dated and anti-people laws like Art. 370, Art. 35 A. The Panthers Party is committed to carry all the fundamental rights up to the doors of every citizen of India residing in Jammu Province, Kashmir Valley & Ladakh region.Others who were present in the press conference included Ms. Anita Thakur, General Secretary – JKNPP, Jagdev Singh, Shanker Singh, State Secretaries – JKNPP, Partap Singh Jamwal, Vice President Young Panthers & Anil Rakwal, District General Secretary Young Panthers.