Agriculture Minister Ram Lal Markanda while hailing the state budget for the financial year 2019-20 presented by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur as an endeavour to ensure welfare of every section of the society, that will give a big boost the growth and development of the State.He said that the Budget aims at welfare of the farmers, horticulturists, workers, employees, youth and women. He said that the budget have announced maximum schemes for farmers, which would improve the financial condition farmers and horticulturists of the State, as help in doubling the farm income by 2020.He said the State government has succeeded in getting approval for projects worth Rs. 10,300 crore from the Centre for externally aided projects. Most of these projects are aimed at uplifting the rural economy by providing support to agriculture, irrigation, water supply and energy, he said.Dr Markanda said the unenviable task of taking along every section of the society, agricultural sector and farmers have remained crucial in the Budget 2019-20. He thanked Chief Minister for giving more focus on the rural population, which constitutes 80 percent of the state, while presenting Rs. 44,388 crore development oriented budget for the financial year 2019-20 in the state.He said that an annual plan of Rs 7,100 crore is focused on increasing farm productivity, developing rural infrastructure, developing new sources of irrigation, flood control and social services.He also thanked the Chief Minister for announcing 15 new schemes for various sections including Rs. 150 crore Mukhya Mantri Nutan Polyhouse Yojna, higher budget outlay for anti-hail net, irrigation and flood control scahemes, Mukhya Mantri Khumb Vikas Yojna, subsidy up to Rs. 25,000 on indigenous cow breeds and Rs. 2 per litre increase in milk procurement price. He welcomed the announcement of reducing power tariff from 75 paise per unit to 50 paise for irrigation.He said that announcement of 50 percent subsidy for barbed wire and chain link under the Mukhya Mantri Khet Sanrakshan Yojna. He said breeding farm for Sahiwal and Red Sindhi cows will be set up with a total cost of Rs. 11.21 crore. He said that by giving impetus to rural agriculture sector present budget have ensured the overall growth of States.