Director School Education Kashmir, Dr. GN Itoo on Sunday warned action against private schools demanding lump sum fee and the charges for heating and transport facilities for the time when these facilities are not being provided by the school.Taking cognizance of the media reports, DSEK issued a circular on Saturday clarifying that no school can force the parents to pay fee in one go and the school fee, as per norms, is to be paid only in monthly instalments including for vacation period.The circular further stated that during vacation period fee is to be charged only for the services which are being utilized by the students and no other fee can be charged. “Schools can charge only tuition fee in case of teachers and salary of drivers in case of transport. No heating charges can be recovered from students when these services are not being used by students during vacation period,” the circular reads.DSEK has also advised the administrators of Private schools of complying with these orders in letter and spirit and added that they can charge tuition and transport facilities from the parents for winter vacations only when they are giving the salary to the teachers and drivers for these months. DSEK said that private schools should collect the fees from the parents only on monthly basis as per norms.Meanwhile the Jammu and Kashmir Joint Coordination Committee of Private Schools has assured Director School Education Kashmir that the rules and regulations of the Department shall be followed by all the private schools and the Coordination Committee shall stand by the side of the Department in taking any action against any private school violating these norms.