This year the large number of farmers of the district had not burned the paddy stubble and they have also motivated the other farmers to follow the same path. In this way they have contributed in environment conservation. Similarly, Mandeep Singh of village Sarsini is also not burning the stubble from last three years and this year he has used Happyseeder for sowing wheat in his 12.5 acre land. With the help of this he has reduced the agriculture input cost and also contributed in environment conservation.Mandeep Singh said that sometimes farmers feel doubt about the yield of the crop sown with the help of Happyseeder. But he himself sown the crop with the help of Happyseeder and his crop is growing well. He said that this practice has reduced his input cost. The practice of stubble burning is very harmful for environment and it also reduce the fertility of the soil. So it is necessary that every farmer should not burn the stubble in the field and ensure the use of advance machinery for managing stubble and sowing the crops for next season.Giving details about the management of stubble officials of the agriculture and farmer department said that this year department had provided advanced machinery to the farmers on subsidy for stubble management. This machinery includes Happyseeder, Paddy straw chopper, Multure, Shrub cutter, Zero Drill, Super SMS etc. Official said that department had conducted a special awareness drive under Mission Tandrust Punjab to create awareness regarding the bad effects of stubble burning. All these efforts resulted in the large scale decline in the incidents of stubble burning. They appealed to the farmers to adopt crop diversification and allied activities for bright future.