Senior Congress leader Prof. Saifuddin Soz Tuesday said that “Political observers at the national level feel that it is not people like Amit Shah, Yogi Aditya Nath, and Giri Raj Singh, who fan communal and sectarian narrative on almost all issues relevant for their reference, but, it is a direct inspiration from PM Narinder Modi, who has shown culture for this narrative continuously and now is doubly promoting it with Election 2019 in view.”“The general run of political observers have started worrying for the Liberal Democracy that India has to be as per the Constitution of India.”“It seems that the National Opposition has not yet taken a serious notice of this obnoxiously destructive narrative.“Certain sensitive and knowledgeable citizens like Fali Nariman, N. Ram, Arun Shouri, Yashwant Sinha, General Hooda and others have also started worrying for the safety of India’s Public Institutions including Judicial System, which have come under great strain due to the RSS/BJP onslaught!”India’s prominent Jurist Fali Nariman prayed recently that God Save the Supreme Court of India. I felt emotionally attuned to that prayer. But, today, my passionate prayer is God save India as a secular and liberal democracy for its posterity,” Soz said. (CNS)