Mamata Banaerjee follows an ideology of simple living and violet thinking,Babul Supriyo said at India Today Conclave East 2018
Under TMC, police has become ineffectual in West Bengal: Supriyo
Mamata is practicing blatant communal politics: Supriyo
Supriyo also spoke about the many controversies he was invovled in Sarkarko maarne ke liye unke soch ko maarna jaruri hai," [If you wantto defeat Sarkar, you must first destroy his ideology] a characterfrom Ram Gopal Varma's 2005 political thriller Sarkar famously said.BJPleader and Union minister Bapul Supriyo today recited that quote onstage at the India Today Conclave East to explain what his partywould attempt to do in West Bengal.
BJPis fighting the ideology of Mamata Banaerjee, an ideology of "simpleliving and violet thinking", Supriyo said.TheMP from Asansol, was speaking at a session titled 'The Great EasterHome -- What Lies Ahead' of the India Today Conclave East 2018.Surpiryo largely spoke about Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengalgovernment's management of law and order.Supriyoalleged that under the Trinamool Congress rule, the West BengalPolice has become ineffectual and is not even allowed to takepreventive measures to deal with violence."Whenwas the last time you heard about tear gas being used in WestBegnal?" Supriyo questioned. "I am not supporting policebrutality or excesses, but the police [should be allowed to] takeprecautionary measures."
Supriyoalleged that the Mamata Banerjee-led government followed a practiceof delaying police action during times of violence so that TMCleaders could visit those affected and offer politically motivated"compensation".
BabulSupriyo rejected allegations that the Bharatiya Janata Party was toblame for giving West Bengal politics a communal colour.TheBJP did not bring Ram Navami celebrations to West Bengal, Supriyosaid in response to accusations that the saffron party was using thefestival as a political tool and was vitiating the atmosphere in thestate through passionate processions.Itis Mamata Banerjee who is "doing blatant communal politics",Supriyo said. "Ram Navami has been happening in West Bengal foryears."Andbecause "Mamata di practices appeasement politics, the peoplethe Bharatiya Janata Party stands up for are automatically themajority... and so then it becomes easy for you to call us rightwing."
Atthe India Today Conclave East, Supriyo, known to be a fiery leader,also explained some of the controversies that recently surroundedhim.InMarch this year, Supriyo was captured on video threatening to "skinpeople alive" while visiting a violence-hit area in West Bengal.Supriyoadmitted to have lost his cool and said that he had gotten into anargument with policemen who stopped him from meeting elderly womenwho wanted to talk to him. One of the police officers pushed me and Isaw other policemen threaten the elderly women.Andso, in the heat of the moment I did make the threat, Supriyo said.However, "it was a figure of speech".Talkingabout another controversy where he was heard threateningto break a man's leg atan event for the differently-abled, Supriyo said that his comment was"dark humour".Drawinga parallel with Michael Jackson, who once berated a crowd and thenwent on to sing a love song, Supriyo said he was merely "handlingthe crowd", after threatening to break a man's leg at an eventfor the differently abled.Therewas "pandemonium inside the hall" where wheelchairs werebeing distributed and "so, since I am a performer, I tried tocalm things down by saying what I did," Supriyo said.Supriyosaid that his comment was "dark humour" but admitted thatit was "absolutely politically incorrect". "I havelearnt from it," Babul Surpriyo said.