Chitkara International School was awarded with the district level Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2017 in the sub category of toilet with a score of 100% with 5 star rating. The award was felicitated by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under the initiative ‘Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya’ (SBSV). The initiative has its emphasis on promoting safe and appropriate hygiene practices in schools and behaviour among children.Member of the Lok Sabha and Indian actress Kirron Kher accorded the award to the Principal, Dr Niyati Chitkara. Deputy Commissioner Ajit Balaji Joshi, IAS was also present in this moment of accolade.The school was commended for sanitation, hygiene, rain water harvesting and other operations of the school. This award marked the school’s philosophy to cultivate cleanliness and sanitation in the school premises in the comprehensive way.Expressing gratification, the school principal Dr Niyati Chitkara applauded the management, staff and students for their substantial involvement in keeping the school clean. She also added that her institution is persistently set out to work with invocation to maintain highest standards of cleanliness.