Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Geelani on Friday welcomed the statement of PTI chief Imran Khan that Kashmir is the core issue between India and Pakistan and the two countries should resolve it through dialogue.Geelani in a statement issued to GNS expressed hope that the elections in Pakistan would lead to a stable government in the country, saying all religious and political organizations should work together.While referring to the statement of PTI chief Imran Khan, Hurriyat (G) chairman said it reflects the state policy of Pakistan. “I on behalf of my nation offer my congratulation to Imran Khan on his achievement,” he said.Praying for the prosperity and stability of Pakistan, Geelani hoped that all religious and political organizations in Pakistan will serve their best for progressive and stable Pakistan, saying “the country has a political importance in the Muslim world and this country is center of hope not only for the sub-continent but for the whole Muslim Ummah”.Hailing Imran Khan for clear Kashmir policy, Geelani said, “Now it is time for India to reciprocate. India should come clear on Pakistan’s offer.”“We hope Pakistan’s offer and spirit of flexibility will be reciprocated by India so that new vistas of cooperation are opened for resolution of issues including Kashmir issue in accordance with aspirations of Kashmiri people,” he added.Geelani urged Indian leadership to shun “stubborn, haughty and colonial attitude” and come forward for sorting out all outstanding issues with Pakistan particularly the Kashmir dispute.
He stressed for the cordial relation between Iran, Afghanistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan and said that best relation between these countries will lead the region to overall stability, peace, development, and progress. “We hope Pakistan’s PTI chief will lead Pakistan and improve relations with neighboring countries, saying global cooperation and the friendly relation is a key to successes and prosperity,” he said.Meanwhile, Hurriyat Conference (G) executive council members on Friday expressed deep anguish over the continuous house arrest of its chairman Syed Ali Geelani and plight of detainees languishing in different jails.According to a statement issued to GNS, Imtiyaz Ahmad Shah, Syed Mohd Shafi, Bilal Sidiqi, Molvi Bashir Irfani, Mohd Yusuf Naqash, Bashir Andrabi, Nisar Husain Rather while leading demonstration protested against continuous house arrest of Syed Ali Geelani and ill-treatment meted out to detainees lodged in different jails including Tihar, Kot Bhalwal, Jammu, Udhampur, Kathua, Riyasi, Baramulla, Bijbehara, Kupwara and Srinagar central jail. Syed Imtiyaz Hyder, Imran Ahmad Bhat, Ab Rashid Lone, Mohd Shafi Mir and Arshad Hussain Bhat also participated in protest demonstrations.Meanwhile, Hurriyat spokesperson lashed out at authorities for keeping Gh Nabi Sumji under continuous house arrest. (GNS)