Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur released the book ‘Urja Rajya Ka Sapna Nakaratmakata Ke Mayajal mein’ written by Raj Kumar Verma here last evening. Shri Verma is a retired engineer hailing from Mandi district.Speaking on the occasion Chief Minister lauded the role of the writer and said that this book would be useful for the research scholars on hydel potential of the State. He said the book would also prove handy to the entrepreneurs interesting to invest in power sector in the State. He said that State Government has always accorded priority for harnessing the power potential as it was the only sector capable of making the State self-reliant and prosperous.The Chief Minister said that State has power potential of over 27000 MW and the government was committed to exploit it by inviting private as well as public participation. The Government was working with positive approach and attitude and providing several incentives to the power executing agencies in the State.Jai Ram Thakur said that this book should be seen as a step to move from negativity to positivity, particularly in the field of power generation. He said that the book give practical suggestions for optimum harnessing of power potential in the State.
The State has achieved a lot in power sector but still lot more needed to be done for making Himachal Pradesh a ‘Power State’ of the country, for which positive approach both of government and private power producers was vital.He said that the endeavour of the government was to remove all the bottlenecks in harnessing power in the State. He said that each one of us should contribute towards society by shouldering the responsibility entrusted on him.MPP and Power Minister Anil Sharma said that the State government was bringing a New Power Policy to fully harness the available power potential of the State. He said that apart from hydel power, efforts would be made to harness renewable energy in the State. Prant Pracharak, RSS Sanjeevan speaking on the occasion said that harnessing the power potential was the key to prosperity for the State of Himachal Pradesh.Senior Advocate of Supreme Court and former Secretary Supreme Court Bar Association Ashok Arora also spoke on the occasion.Writer of the book Raj Kumar Verma narrated the salient features of the book and also shared his experiences while writing the book.General Manager, Sai Engineering Foundation Hem Singh Thakur presented vote of thanks.MLA J R Katwal, Advisor to the Governor Dr Shashi Kant Sharma, senior BJP leader Ganesh Dutt and senior officers of the state government were present on the occasion among others.