CPI (M) leader and MLA Kulgam Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami Tuesday said that the leadership of both the PDP and the BJP are answerable before the people of Jammu and Kashmir and rest of the country for their unprincipled alliance which ended today but not before sending the state in deep crisis.Till yesterday the leadership of PDP and BJP were praising each other like anything. What happened all of sudden people want to know? Now different tones are coming from each of them. This is an attempt by BJP to evade responsibilities. People in the state and the country want to know what they (BJP) have done in four years in Center and more than three years in J&K to address the issue of deepening crisis and uncertainty in J&K.The decision of the BJP to withdraw from the coalition government with the PDP at this particular moment has the potential of creating greater political instability in the state. It signifies the total political failure of the BJP’s approach in Jammu & Kashmir. The BJP was party to all decisions of the state government during the past more than three years and hence cannot absolve any responsibility for contributing to a further deterioration in the state and towards deepening the alienation of the people.The leadership of both the parties were claiming and flaunting that this was the ‘unprecedented’ alliance to provide relief to the people of the state and strengthening the bonds between different regions of the state. But the reality is that this alliance has deepened the polarization between Jammu and Kashmir regions and different communities.We had been saying from day one it is an unprincipled alliance which had no ideological or political commonality. The only reason for these two parties to come together was to share and enjoy power.The situation in the state, CPI (M) has been stressing time and again, demands a clear cut political approach which can result in an initiation of credible process of dialogue with concrete measures of CBMs. Instead we are worried central rule can only compound the current crisis further. (PTK)