Ravi Kant, Secretary Food and Public Distribution, Govt. of India and Karan Avtar Singh, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Punjab today held a high level meeting with Mr. KAP Sinha, Principal Secretary, Food Supplies, Punjab and Ms. Anindita Mitra, Director, Food Supplies, Punjab in the presence of Mr. S.P Kar, ED (North) FCI and General manager, FCI, Punjab Region to discuss issues of procurement and storage of wheat pertaining to Rabi Season 2018-19.In this meeting it was apprised to Mr. Ravi Kant that out of estimated quantity of procurement of 130 LMT, approx. 97 LMT wheat has already been procured by the State Agencies and FCI till April 25, 2018. Further, 47 LMT (65%) procured wheat has been lifted and 12,157 cr. has been credited to the accounts of Arhtias by all the SPAs till 25.04.2018 during ongoing season.Secretary Food Govt. of India said that maximum possible special trains will be allocated to the State to facilitate smooth lifting of food grains and optimal utilization of storage space. "Regarding the creation of scientific storage in the form of silos, FCI informed that it has appointed a consultant for storage gap analysis and other associated issues which shall be tabled very soon", he added.Secretary, Food Govt. of India along with Principal Secretary, Food Supplies Punjab also visited the grain markets/mandies of Khanna and Sirhind during the day and interacted with various officials and other stakeholders. Secretary, Food Govt. of India expressed satisfaction with the arrangements and assured all possible support from Govt. of India in order to ensure hassle free procurement and storage of wheat during the season.