In a bid to give impetus to Gojri Language, the State Universities would start Gojri subject at Post Graduation (PG) and Under Graduate (UG) level in Jammu and Kashmir.This decision was taken during a meeting held at civil Secretariat today under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary Department of Higher Education, Asgar Hassan Samoon, to discuss introduction of local dialects, like like Dogri and Kashmiri, in the state Universities at different levels.Prominent Gojri writers including Dr. JavaidRahi, Dr Rafiq Anjum, Dr LiqatJafri, Ch Hassan Parvaz, Ch Sarwar Chouhan, Dr ArifSajjad,Dr MK Waqar were the special invitees on the occasion. During the meeting, a detailed discussion was held on different issues pertaining to introduction of Gojri Subject at PG and UG level in various universities. Besides, several important directions were issued by the Principal Secretary to different universities including University of Jammu, University of Kashmir, Cluster University, Jammu/ Srinagar, BGSB University beside Islamic University.
Samoon said the Gujjars and Bakerwal constitute an important chunk of state’s population and their tribal culture and language requires special attention of state universities. He said that the universities have a big role in preservation and promotion of age old oral-lore and primitive treats for all times to come.The other decisions taken in the meeting included filling up of posts of Professor and Asstt Professor Gojri which have already been advertised by the University for Poonch Camps, constitute of a committee to formulate curriculum of Gojri for Under-Graduate courses, introduction of Gojri subject in the Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University Rajouri as more than 55% population of Poonch and Rajouri speak Gojri, Cluster University Jammu and Srinagar shall introduce Gojri in all its colleges besides PG courses, Kashmir University shall start “ Open Choice Course” in Gojri at PG level on the prototype of University of Jammu Gojri PG Course.