Reproaching Akali Leader Narinder Kumar Sharma & Kulwant Singh, the owner of Janta Land Promoters, Local Legislator Balbir Singh Sidhu pointed them and said that they are misleading the villagers of village Papri through fake publicity of valuable land at village Papri, which has been grabbed by them. Sh. Sidhu said that common land of village Papri has been illegally possessed by builder M/s Janta Land Promoter, the land in the said village has been encroached without the acceptance of villagers and no public gathering was called for this. He said it is surprising to know that why Sh. Ajaib Singh, village Sarpanch, the leading farmer struggling for welfare of farmers and Land Pooling has sold this land at such a low prices to Janta Land Promoter without calling any land pooling.At a press conference called here, Sh. Sidhu said that a resolution to give possession of 46 Kanal 7 Marla Land to M/s Janta Land Promoter was passed on 14 December 2016 by Gram Panchayat and no public gathering, acceptance was sought before issuing such resolution. After that on 20 March 2017, token money for the said land was also obtained and after giving possession to the Janta Land Promoters, roads were also constructed. Whereas according to law no possession could be given without having a genuine and proper registry of land.
He said that public through media approached the Govt. and brought this to the notice of Hon'ble High Court and the matter was noted by their legislator (Sr. Sidhu). He said that public is not happy with the decision of such possession, the village people is in favour of giving land to GMADA through Land Pooling.He said that residents of village Jheorheri are suffering due to misleading policies of Akali Govt. Tenure during which Narinder Kumar Sharma was Parliament Secretary. It is also noted that embezzlement worth crores also happened at that time. He said that officers who are found guilty for the embezzlement of Bloack Samiti Kharar & village Jheorheri has given green flag for selling the land of village Papri He said that if the case was lime lighted through media than it was only villager of Papri who has to suffer. He said that NK Sharma is also associated with Real Estate Business and he himself owed nine crore to Punjab Government.
He said that strong knot among NK Sharma and owner of Janta Land Promoter is known to all, due to which NK Sharma is misleading the people in a try to save Kulwant Singh the owner of Janta Land Promoter.He said that residents of village do not wants to sell the common land in village, but they want that the land possession should be given in such a manner that it will be beneficial for the village because if the possession is given to GMADA or Janta Land Promoter through land polling, then they have to give 6 showrooms and residential plots of 6 thousand yards to panchayat which are having value of 60 crore. But village Panchayat has sold the land in just 18 crore.During this Sh. Harksh Chand Machlikalan Political advisor to Legislator, Contractor Mohan Singh Bathlana, Bachan Singh Papri, Panch Gurjit singh, Amarjit Singh Panch Kambala, NAchattar Singh Kambala, Nirmal Singh Kambala, Ranjit Singh Nambardar, Randhir Singh Dhira Dau Majra, Chajja Singh Sarpanch, Bhupinder Kumar Ngari, Darbara Singh Manouli and others were present.