The future of any country depends on the advancement of Research and innovation and innovation in different fields provide benefit to millions of people, Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Dr. Satyapal Singh said today at the review meeting of Smart India Hackathon 2017 via video conferencing held in New Delhi today.The Minister congratulated all the teams in the Hackathon for their excellent work in their respective projects and hoped that these research projects will become reality and would be successful startups. He further said that Science, technology and engineering is able to change the life of common people of this country and this country’s future depends on how we apply our knowledge in the field of science and technology. These innovation projects will be beneficial for different Ministries and Departments. The Ministry of Human Resource Development will give its full support to complete their projects and will ensure that no project will be closed because of shortage of funds, The Minister further added.
Under Smart India Hackathon 2017 around 55 teams were selected from various Universities/Departments for research projects. These research projects were according to the need of different Ministries and Departments like M/o Civil Aviation, M/o Ayush, M/o DoNER and ISRO. Out of 55 nearly 40 teams are doing very well towards their projects. Today, in the review meeting, different research teams gave update on their project to Dr. Satyapal Singh. Most of the teams are in the final phase of their projects.‘Smart India Hackathon 2017’ was launched to build Digital India of our dreams and to engage our youth directly with nation building. About 30 different Government departments/ministries are involved as partners e.g. Ministry of Railways, External affairs, Steel, Postal Services, ISRO, NCPCR, etc. For the first time, govt. departments were directly engaging with students and challenging them to build digital solutions to improve their efficiency, plug revenue leakages and corruption.In the concluding remarks, the Minister said that most of the teams have worked very hard since the beginning of Hackathon and they have come out with innovative solutions .Their solution will ultimately end up in the successful startup and will make them successful entrepreneur.