A valley-wide campaign to save Chinar trees was launched today with wide-scale plantation of Chinar saplings, a symbol of the famed heritage of Kashmir.At Srinagar, Minister for Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction and Floriculture, Javaid Mustafa Mir today kick-started the plantation drive by planting a Chinar sapling at Emporium Garden here.The Minister was the chief guest at a function organized by Department of Floriculture themed “Plant a Chinar, Plant a hope” which was attended by Director Floriculture, Kashmir, Mathura Masoom, Noted poet Zareef Ahmad Zareef and other concerned officials, besides farmers from various areas.On the occasion, Mir was informed that the Department starts Chinar plantation drive every year on March 15 and distributes 10,000 free Chinar saplings among the people and various government departments. She said that this year Floriculture Department has set target more than previous years.
Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that there is a need to plant more trees in order to create the eco-friendly environment. He said that preservation of Chinar tree must be a duty of every conscientious Kashmiri and by planting more Chinar trees, “we are doing some good for the future generations.”Later, the Minister also released the booklet on Chinar trees “The Majestic Chinar of Kashmir” which was published by Department of Floriculture, Kashmir.At Bandipora, District Development Commissioner Sajad Hussain kick-started the Drive by planting a Chinar sapling at the Mini Secretariat premises Bandipora.On the occasion, the DDC was informed that Floriculture Department is providing 250 Chinar saplings to schools and other Government institutions free of cost in the district.It was said that the district has 1491 Chinars as per the census conducted by Floriculture Department during 2017-18.
At Baramulla, the drive was initiated by Deputy Commissioner Dr Nasir Ahmad Naqash at Government Degree College for Boys.
The drive is being organized by Floriculture department under which chinars will be planted at several places across the district.Principal GDC for Boys Prof Fazlul-Rahim, District Floriculture Officer Shakeel Samoon, officers of various departments and other concerned were present on the occasion.The DC said that the drive has been launched with the purpose to revive the Chinar plantation in the district. He urged the concerned to plant the tree at appropriate places, besides highlighting its positive impact on the environment.At Shopian, Floriculture Department carried out the plantation drive in the premises of District Administrative Complex Shopian.Speaking on the occasion, the District Development Commissioner, Mohammad Aijaz highlighted the importance of plantation and advised the masses to not only plant more and more saplings but also look after them for making the drive a success.During the plantation drive, saplings of Chinar trees were planted by the DDC.
All the participants also pledged to plant more and more saplings, besides protecting the environment for future generations.Among others, Assistant Floriculture Officer, officials of the department, besides a large number of locals participated in the drive.At Kupwara, the drive was organized by Department of Floriculture at Handwara in which Additional Deputy Commissioner Handwara was the chief guest. The ADC kick-started the drive at Government Degree College, Handwara by planting Chinar sapling in the premises of the College.On the occasion, ADC highlighted the positive impact of Chinar trees on the environment. He was informed that the Floriculture Department shall plant 350 saplings at Handwara while as 1250 Chinar saplings are being planted across the district as a part of the drive.Meanwhile, similar functions and plantation drives highlighting the significance and importance of Chinar trees were held in all the districts of the Valley.