Reacting to the rally taken out by some people in Kathua in support of Rapist and killer of an eight year innocent nomad girl in Kathua Asifa, who was kidnapped, raped then brutally murdered, Senior Congress Leader Mushtaq Ahmad Khanday has expressed surprise over the use of National Flag by some disgruntled elements seeking release of murderer SPO with full support of BJP.In a Statement issued to PTK, Khanday while condemning this rally blamed BJP for using people in support of a killer aiming to give the crime committed by SPO a religious colour, who has committed a heinous crime deserves death sentence.He said saying the Members of ruling BJP seems to be busy in giving a religious colour to the horrific incident of murder and rape of a innocent teenage, which is not accepted in any region of the State, as that, people of entire three regions cannot afford to see the killer of eight year girl goes unpunished. Adding that Congres Party strongly condemns the rally Khandy urged upon the Law Enforcing Agencies to identify the faces behind staging this anti people rally in Kahtua and ensure that the culprits are sternly punished as per the law of Land.He also urged upon the Chief Minister to personally look into the matter and ensure that the perpetrators of the crime identified, punished sternly. (PTK)