Advisor to Chief Minster Professor Amitabh Mattoo today emphasized effective use of legislations being enacted for prevention of sexual harassment at work place through massive awareness as still a large chunk of work force is in the dark about the provisions and effectiveness of these Acts.The Advisor said this while speaking at a one-day awareness workshop on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work Place organized by the Directorate of College Development Council and Jammu University Internal Complaints Committee Against Sexual Harassment (JUICCASH) at Jammu University here today.“Dignity of women has to be maintained at work place and it is important to spread awareness among the working class, both men and women, regarding the workplace harassment and its preventions”, he maintained.The workshop was attended by vice chancellor Jammu University, Prof R.D Sharma, Director College Development Council, Rajin Kant, Registrar Jammu University, Prof Meenakshi Kelam, Presiding Officer JUICCASH, Prof Rajni Dhingra, faculty members of other affiliated colleges and students were also present at the function.The Advisor also threw light on the (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 that seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at their place of work.While speaking on the occasion, Prof R.D Sharma said University of Jammu is committed to ensure safe working and study spaces for women and to facilitate conducive work environments that respect women’s right to equality of status and opportunity. He also threw light on a Committee constituted by the University of Jammu against Sexual Harassment.Rajni Dhingra highlighted the objectives of JUICCASH and underlined the need to be sensitized towards the equal status of woman at work places so that she can contribute efficiently towards the social upliftment.Later, Mattoo released a Policy Document of Jammu University on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work Place.