Gujarat's firebrand Patidar leader Hardik Patel on Friday met West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and said he was asked to join her Trinamool Congress."She openly offered me to join Trinamool Congress," Patel said after meeting Banerjee at the state Secretariat on Friday evening.Banerjee however, said that she advised him to join politics as political people take policy decisions.The Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti Convenor, however, did not make his stand clear but he would take advice from her, if required."I have come here to take blessings for her. There is no political interest behind this meeting. She has come to power after a long fight. I would take advice from her, if required. I have requested her to come to Gujarat to make women of my state aware," he said.Describing Banerjee as a "powerful woman", Patel said that she spoke to him about her days of struggle.Banerjee said: "He is like my younger brother. He is very political and sensitive too. He is fighting for people of Gujar