The Knowledge Bus Global School, organised Adventure Fest at its campus .The students engaged in a multitude of activities ranging from Zipline, Hopscotch, Tarzan swing, Commando Net, Rappelling, Burma bridge, Tug of war to Double rope walking etc.The main reason behind organizing this competition was to nurture the intrinsic qualities of students and remove the fear of stage among students, which helps in personality development. The competition also included Dance, Song, Mad Ads and Storytelling performances. The students sang songs and enthralled the audience with their scintillating performances. Many students displayed their talents by dancing on entertaining music and left the audience spellbound. The Judges had a brainstorming session over the neck to neck performances to come to their judgement.Headmistress, G S Bhardwaj said at the moment that ad sports for students are highly motivational and practical which are unlikely to be seen from the normal classroom environment. Adventure aims at increasing productivity, encourages students to work in different working environment, it builds team spirit, friendship and trust amongst each other. According to her students also learn the skills and values like friendship and companionship, cooperation and teamwork skills, leadership skills, respect for team mates, social interaction skills, physical skills, self-esteem, self-discipline, patience and persistence etc by participating in such activities.