Ludhiana College of Engineering & Technology, Katani Kalian celebrated Lohri at the campus, where a huge bonfire was lit, later the celebration was followed by a colorful function to make it memorable, where children also get opportunity to showcase their talents in unique manner.The celebration commenced after lighten the bonfire by Chairman Vijay Gupta. Students and staff encircled around the bonfire, Groundnuts and Reweri were also distributed to everyone present there and gave it a traditional look.While highlighting the importance of the festival, Chairman Gupta Said that it is an auspicious day, which marked the culmination of winter and was a symbol of fertility. They further added that Lohri is a grand event of social and cultural integration, bringing about unity, amity, harmony among all castes and community. While celebrating this festival people from all castes and social strata come together forgetting all differences and grievances.