Stating that ground situation in Kashmir belie normalcy claims of the Central and State Governments, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Vice President (JKPCC) G N Monga today said that killings spree across the Valley has created a sense of insecurity among people.In a statement issued to PTK, he said, "According to media reports, 450 persons, including 124 armed forces and 108 civilians, were killed in 2017. These figures belie the claims of the Government that situation in Kashmir improved after the 2016 unrest. The cycle of death and injuries continues unabated in the Valley. The Government tries to contradict the ground reality in an effort to escape their own culpability and responsibility.""We had given an adjournment motion in the Legislative Council urging the Government to have a debate over the issue so that some solution could be found. But unfortunately, the Government only gives statement claiming normalcy has returned and 'everything is alright' which is far from reality. Reality is that the situation is not getting normal and peace is nowhere in sight," the Congress leader said.
Monga said all the promises made to the people by the PDP and the BJP after securing votes from them on sensitive issues, have fallen flat. "This Government has failed on all fronts. Neither there is development, nor sense of security. This Government is only making false promises time and again and letting people suffer on all counts," he said.Monga also questioned the Government over Dineshwar Sharma's interlocution process that was surrounded by confusion from day one. "By visiting Kupwara, Anantnag, Pulwama and other places for a day and meeting some people, Sharma can't achieve anything. We have been saying from the day one that the interlocution process is a halfhearted efforts of New Delhi. Sharma should do a proper homework about whom to meet and how to approach them before coming to Kashmir.""There is a need to have a sustained dialogue with all stakeholders and then only there is possibility of peace. The lack of political will to engage with the stakeholders with a sense of seriousness has created an enormous trust deficit. Those advocating violence and war are living in a fool’s paradise and their rhetoric is aimed at their own local constituencies," the Congress leader added. (PTK)