Rattan Profession Education College, Sector 78 organized Fresher Party at its campus with pomp, fun and gaiety. Music, dance, ramp walk and various entertainment programs presented by the fresher students kept the audience enthralled. The burst of talent exhibited by Freshers was absolutely mesmerizing. The audience consisted of senior students, faculty, guests and parents spellbound throughout the programs.The program commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by Chief Guest Rita Kolhi, Senior Advocate. While Mrs. Pooja Sharma was special Guest. After that Welcome song and scintillating performances by students of Western Dance, Songs,Fusion Dance, Gidha, Skit etc. which was followed by the first introductory round of the participants to the Mr and Miss Fresher contest. Talent rounds and catwalks were interspersed, after the initial shortlisting from over 200 contestants, there were 4 rounds, 2 each for Boys and Girls. The title of Mr. Fresher 2017 was bagged by Kunal Chaudhary & Miss Fresher 2017 was bagged by Jasmehak Kaur. While Miss Personality and Miss Charming were awarded to Neha and Muskaan .Chairman, Rattan Group Sunderlal Aggarwal congratulated all the participants for their vibrant performance praising the organizing committee for putting up such a wonderful show and motivated them to be innovative & hard working to become successful .The eventful day ended with honouring the winners.