After reports of Sikhs being forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan, Is ISI now trying to work and target Jat Sikh BJP leaders in Punjab. It has come to know that on 20th December 2017 at 08:44 am an International Call from number +375251224547 showing on truecaller “I S I Islam” had come on his Mobile No 9814000337 of Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal National BJP Jat Sikh and famers Leader from Punjab. Due to “I S I Islam” on truecaller he did not attend the same. Grewal who is very Senior and prominent Jat Sikh leader who is presently moniter the functions of Bharatiya Janata Party kisan Morcha at Central BJP office, New Delhi has forward the Information of the said number to DGP Punjab Police Shri Suresh Arora, IPS on his Whatsap number and intelligence also. While the enquiry was pending so far rather on next day 21th December 2017 an International Call from number +17673162376 showing on truecaller “Bach Ke Rahna” means Be careful come his Mobile No: 9814000337.
Everybody knows that in dark days in Punjab Grewal was in the targeted by Bhindranwala Tiger Force and Babbar Khalsa several times. He has been also provide facts with CBI pertaining to Brigadier Jagdish Gagneja's arrasination case from time to time. Grewal also raise his voice against Gangsters and many Sikhs in Srinagar valley has joined Bharatiya Kisan Sang with his efforts. He was a long time prabhari of Jammu and Kashmir BJP Kisan Morcha. It is also mentionable here that DGP Punjab Police Law, Order and Security Hardeep Singh Dhillon, IPS is relative of Grewal family but due to family vendetta Dhillon also recalled back security of Grewal. BJP leader Grewal said that he will face the situation bravely. He also requested DGP Punjab Police Shri Suresh Arora IPS, Central and Punjab Police Intelligence Wing to enquire this matter and to take the strong action against the guilties.