Indo Global Group of Colleges commemorated Human Rights day. The purpose of the seminar was to highlight the significance of human rights. The seminar hall was packed to full capacity by the engineering, MBA and architecture students.After the welcome address by Dr. Promila Kaushal, Principal Indo Global College of Engineering, many students came forward with impressive presentations on human rights across the globe. Presentations given by the students highlighted various incidents of violations of human rights. Whenever a person is in a week situation he or she runs the risk of being subjected to suppressive or oppressive behaviour. Such incidents snowball in major riots and other life threatening situations which can be avoided. The core theme was everyone has the right to live in a dignified manner as everyone is born free and hence has the right to live with dignity. Speaking on the occasion Chairman of Indo Global Group of Colleges Sukhdev Kumar Singla emphasized that there should be no disparity amongst anyone as all human beings are born equal. He stated that all human beings are born free and should have equal rights. Everyone should be treated with equal dignity irrespective of whether he or she is from a particular caste, colour or religion or belongs to any specific geographic location.Manav Singla ,CEO, Indo Global ,enlightened the audience that each one of us irrespective of our skin color or religion or place and irrespective of any differentiation between male or female are entitled to full range of human rights. According to him it is very important for everyone to know and support human rights across the globe.