The better half of senior separatist leader Shabir Ahmed Shah Monday alleged that Jail Superintendent of Tihar Jail is not honouring the court orders and despite clear directions from the court, no medical assistance is being provided to Shabir Ahmed Shah.“Shabir Shah has been languishing in a solitary cell in which a person even can’t walk freely,” Dr Bilques Shah told news agency CNS on phone from New Delhi. She said that HUTT (Head Up Tilt Test) of Shah was conducted on the insistence of the Court at GB Panth Hospital that came positive. Doctors had advised HOLTER test at Safdhar Jung Hospital but according to Jail authorities the test machine is out of order and the date for the same test has been fixed on January 5. It is an emergency as Shabir Ahmed Shah needs Pacemaker at an earliest,” she said. Dr Bilques said that a week before Shabir Shah was shifted from Jail number 7 to 1, and since then no medicine has been provided to him. “A man who needs a pacemaker doesn’t get medicine. This is pathetic and shows the antagonism of Government of India towards Kashmiri people,” she said.Meanwhile, Delhi court rejected the bail application of Muhammad Aslam Wani on Monday.ourt has already framed money laundering charges against Shabir Shah and alleged hawala dealer Mohammad Aslam Wani in a 2005 case of alleged financing. (CNS)