Demonetisation of high-denomination notes hit the poor and common people hard as the BJP government at the Centre deceived Indians by unilaterally scrapping Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes last year, the CPI-M said here on Wednesday."Decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi undemocratically and without any cabinet decision has ruined the life and livelihood of poor and common people," CPI-M Central Committee member Bijan Dhar told a public gathering while protesting against demonetisation on its first anniversary.He said: "The BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) government at the Centre deceived the Indians by unilaterally and suddenly scrapping Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes a year ago. The aims for which demonetisation was enforced have totally failed."Dhar, also the Tripura state Secretary of the CPI-M, said the entire labour and working class, including construction workers, agriculture workers, workers engaged in unorganised sectors and cottage and medium scale industries were the worst victims of the demonetisation."Government's decision to demonetise 500 and 1,000 rupee notes, which together constituted 86 per cent of our currency, also hit the exports and did not help bring black money back to the system," the CPI-M leader said.Protest rallies and public gatherings were held across the Left-ruled Tripura as the six Left parties called nation-wide protests on Wednesday to mark the first anniversary of demonetisation.