Former Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Parkash Singh Badal today expressed grave concern over the situation in the state fast slipping towards complete and dangerous anarchy.”"In less than nine months, they have ruined the hard earned atmosphere of peace and communal harmony in the state. It is jungle raj here with lawless elements free to take law into their own hands.”“Political assassinations and communal murders in Punjab are pushing the state towards the edge of a dangerous precipice.” He described the situation as “extremely dangerous ,” he said.He appealed to the people of Punjab to maintain peace at all costs and not to allow the age-old bonds between brotherly communities to be disturbed.Mr Badal said that the main reason for this drastic deterioration in the situation was that "peace and communal harmony do not even figure among the priorities of the government.This has resulted in a complete collapse of administration with peace and communal harmony being the worst casualties.”
Mr Badal Strongly condemned the assassination of Vipan Sharma, in Amritsar and Harkirat Singh, spouse of an Akali Sarpanch yesterday and assault on the Amarjot Singh Babbehali, Akali leaders’ G S Babbehali’s son, today and other recent incidents of violence in the state, describing these as links in the long chain of bitterness and violence unleashed by the present regime The former chief minister said that maintenance of peace and preserving communal harmony require a combination of political will and administrative determination. Both seem conspicuous by their
absence in Punjab today.” “During my tenure as Chief Minister, I began and ended every day in office by keeping a close watch on threats to peace and communal harmony and reaffirming my government’s commitment to these sacred ideals. But in the last nine months, I have not heard of a single occasion when the political leadership and the top civil and police administration in the state got together to review the situation in this regard.”The former Chief Minister expressed deep concern over the spate of communally inspired incidents and said that these posed a serious threat to peace in the state.