Ashmah International School organized a storytelling and poem recitation competition at its School premises. The main aim of the Competition was to encourage the little kids to come forward and build up self-confidence by telling story and recitation on a stage in front of the audience.
The students were well prepared in the outfit and illustration such as singing and dancing or acting to illustrate the stories, which made the competition interesting to see .Students remembered the contents of their stories and told the stories rather fluently and emotionally. Many stories though heard and read in books many times made the listeners touched by the innocent and natural voice of the school-age students. Poem recitation was also full of creativity and expression .The young competitors earned a lot of applause from the audience. Overall trophy goes to faith house whereas second prize was claimed by peace house and third prize was shared by hope and joy houses.
While speaking at the moment School Director J S Kesar and said that such competitions works wonder for young students for infusing confident in them. According to her competitions are not to win, but to participate where students can compete, learn, struggle and win .At the end winners were awarded by the School Principal Babita Dogra .