Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah said on Saturday central funding to Jharkhand has increased under Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government."The central government under leadership of Modi is supporting the Jharkhand government. Jharkhand's share in the central taxes which was Rs 39,938 crore during the 13th finance commission has increased to Rs 1,24,408 crore under the 14th finance commission while central grants have gone up from Rs 6,087 crore to Rs 9,469 crore," Shah said in a press conference. The BJP President said under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, 1.07 crore bank accounts have been opened in Jharkahnd in which Rs 1,992 crore have been deposited.Shah lauded the work done by the Chief Minister Raghubar Das in the state. "Jharkhand is gaining momentum of development in the leadership of Raghubar Das. Jharkhand has been stable and it is moving in right direction," he said.
Asked about the party's views on Rohingya Muslims staying in India, he said: "We have clarified our stand through affidavit that we are ready to extend all forms of support to Rohingya Muslims living in Myanmar." Asked about rising prices of petrol after new system (dynamic pricing) was introduced he said: "This is a new system. The government will take feedback from people."Shah also enumerated the work done under leadership of Modi in last three years. "India is moving in right direction and the health of the economy is good. The inflation has decreased from 9 per cent to 3 per cent. "BJP has ended the dynasty, caste and appeasement politics in the country," he said.Asked about Jharkhand Governor Draupdi Murmu returning the amendment in two land acts, he said: "It was not setback. The government has to take decision considering the sentiment of the people."