There have always been fine intellectuals in India. Great mathematical scientists like Ramanujan and Arya Bhatt belonged to India. They have given India a different identity by researching mathematics. This topic has evolved greatly with time. But still many students are not interested in this topic. They describe this topic as being difficult, complicated, and boring. The main reason for this is ignorance of the math are students, parents and every person who comes in contact with students. Not only students but teachers too present this topic in difficult terms to the students. To motivate students to pursue Mathematics as a subject, it has become very important to give them knowledge of mathematical topics, its elements, math courses, jobs in the field of mathematics, and employment opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate mathematical week, math month, mathematical year for understanding the importance of mathematics and explaining its importance to students. There is a need for special focus on this subject. This is possible only if there are people with knowledge, place, organizations which focus solely on this subject. A mathematical university should be set up where intellectuals and experts related to Mathematical subjects , related mathematical materials, mathematical literature etc. are available and where ways to make mathematics easier, interesting can be found.
Large scale research related to mathematics is needed. This work is possible only and only in a mathematics university. There is a need to do something to bring about a change. The demand for mathematics is very high today. Without it, every person, every state and every country is incomplete. There should be some books and experts, who make this topic easier. Children do not know what the real purpose of reading is, like algebra, trigonometry etc. But when they realise the actual situation, they get afraid. Then they say how easy it was in the 10th grade, simple and in their mother-tongue. But as soon as they are in Eleventh grade, students get disheartened due to new syllabus, new topics and foreign language and then lose. Only a few percent of the students succeed. This University may send these experts to schools and colleges and guide the students and teachers from time to time. This type of field should not be ignored. Rather, there should be every possible effort to maintain this glorious gift from intellectuals. Time always requires a change. Governments are heavily involved in this change. For example, Medical University, Technical University, Veterinary University, Agricultural University, Ayurvedic University, Homeopathic University have been established. Similarly, a mathematical university should also be established. The government should look into it completely. Central Government should take initiative for Mathematical University. If the state government takes initiative in this matter then with the help of the Central government, the first university of mathematics can be established in Punjab.