Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today said that the stategovernment has given top priority to provide road facility to all grampanchayat to ensure speedy and all-round development of all areas. Similarly, water and drinking water facility along-with good health and education services are being ensured to facilitate the ruralmasses.He was addressing a public meeting at Jabri in Shimla Rural assemblysegment after dedicating and laying foundation stones of variousdevelopmental projects.He inaugurated Kadyachi-Tabhog road constructed at a cost of Rs. 1.24crore and flagged-off the state transport bus on this route. Heinaugurated lift water supply scheme Bamot-Bag completed at a cost ofRs. 85.35 lakh, health sub-centre building and yuvak mandal bhawan atBamot, veterinary farmers training centre at Ghanahati. He laidfoundation stones of science laboratory of government senior secondaryschool, Pahal, health sub-centre at Dhalaya and Animal Husbandry Centre at Jabri.He approved to construct link roads to Ghaini and Chaili from Tabhogto facilitate the people of local area and announced rupeestwo lakh for completion of repair work of gram panchayat bhawan,Pahal.
Referring to the development carried out in Shimla Rural constituency,Shri Virbhadra Singh said the constituency has witnessed unprecedenteddevelopment in all sectors during last four and a half years be itconstruction of roads, opening of health and educational institutions,providing drinking water and irrigation facilities etc.He said a major drinking water supply scheme from Sainj khud covering39 panchayats of the constituency has recently been dedicated to thepeople completed by spending Rs. 105.57 crore. Degree colleges havebeen opened at Sunni and at 16 Mile besides a large number of high andsenior secondary schools to facilitate the students of rural areas.Likewise, various health institutes and several other important institutionshave also come during this period.President, State Youth Congress Shri Vikramditya Singh also addressedthe public meeting and gave details of unprecedented development that hastaken place in the assembly segment during the tenure of the presentgovernment.Irrigation and Public Health Minister Smt. Vidya Stokes, Zila ParishadChairperson Smt. Dharmila Harnot, BDC Chairman Shri Pradeep Verma,former MLA Shri Sohan Lal were also present on the occasion.