Pradesh Mahila Congress meeting was held in Srinagar that was chaired by President Pradesh Mahila Congress Indu Pawar. The participants took a keen interest in the proceeding of meeting and issues pertaining to common man especially problems being faced by woman were discussed.Ms. Pawar asked workers to keep united and carry on meetings up to ward and house level so that Congress party which is true secular party is strengthened.She said due to ‘hollow’ promises made by BJP Government both at Centre and State, people are frustrated due to sharp rise in umemployment and disastrous economic policies.Others who spoke in the meeting were Dilshada, Fatima, Farida Kymoo, Sayeda, Nazia Kiloo and others.President Pradesh Mahila Congress Ms. Indu Pawar also condemned killing of seven Amarnath Piligrims in Anantnag. “This cowardly act is to bring bad name to peace loving Kashmiris. She said pilgrims are messengers of peace and such incidents bring bad name to state. She expressed sympathy and condolences to the families of those killed and prayed for early recovery of injured. (CNS)