BJP chief Amit Shah joined thousands of people here on Wednesday doing pranayam, yoga and meditation at a mass demonstration led by yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who was eyeing world records on the International Yoga Day.However, rain played a spoilsport and prevented many from attending the mega event held simultaneously at five grounds including those belonging to Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation, the Gujarat University and the Ahmedabad Education Society.The event was co-organised by the Gujarat government with Chief Minister Vijay Rupani sharing the dais with Shah and Ramdev.Before performing the asanas, Ramdev said officials of the Guinness World Records were at the grounds which had 100 entry points, 100 giant LED screens and 10,000 volunteers from Patanjali Yogpeeth Gurukul ensuring smooth run of the event for the popular ancient physical and spiritual exercise."This is the world's biggest event. Anyone who has to study event management they should come to (Prime Minister Narendra) Modiji's Gujarat and see how lakhs of people began assembling here from 3 a.m.," Ramdev said.
He said the event intended to create a world record for the highest number of people performing pranayam, yoga, and meditation at one location at a given time and another world record for the highest number of people at multiple locations performing yoga in sync.Ramdev said every person entering the venue was bar coded to keep the count of gathering.However, it was not immediately known how many participated in the event.The International Yoga Day debuted in 2015 after a UN backed the India-sponsored initiative that was supported by over 170 member states.According to the Guinness World Records, 2105 Yoga Day celebrations saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading thousands in a spectacular mass participation of 35,985 people in Delhi -- making it the largest yoga session in the world.Ramdev advised people to emulate Modi and Shah on the practice of yoga."Both Narendrabhai (Modi) and Amitbhai perform yoga every day without fail and everybody should follow them," Ramdev told the gathering.Praising the portly Shah who was seated beside him on the stage, the yoga guru said while the BJP chief had gained "political weight, he had worked real hard to reduce his weight". "He has aamla and aloe vera juice every morning and does not eat anything after 7 p.m. He performs yoga every day," Ramdev said.