Fox Star Studios continues its winning streak in Tamil filmdom with their latest offering "Sangili Bungili Kadhava Thorae", a horror-comedy starring Jiiva in the lead, being adjudged a sleeper hit.In its opening weekend in Tamil Nadu, the film grossed an impressive Rs. 6.36 crore, the makers said."We are committed to entertaining audiences by picking innovative content and backing it up with aggressive marketing and distribution. I am also happy that we have once again successfully launched a new and talented director, Ike and of course producer Atlee," Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios told IANS.In the past, Fox Star has introduced first time directors with successful Tamil films such as "Engeyum Eppothum", "Raja Rani", "Cuckoo" and "Mundasupatti"."We been able to successfully identify the right content, and put our marketing and distribution might behind it for such success in the market," he said."Sangili Bungili Kadhava Thorae" is the first Tamil hit since the release of "Baahubali 2: The Conclusion" in Tamil Nadu.The film also stars Sri Divya, Soori, Radha Ravi and Thambi Ramaiah.