Questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi's suggestion on conducting simultaneous elections to the Lok Sabha and the state assemblies, former Lok Sabha speaker Meira Kumar on Saturday wondered how this could happen."How can this be possible? Because you need so much of security forces. Even the assembly elections are held in phases. How can it be conducted simultaneously," she asked responding to a query on the issue.While addressing the Niti Aayog Governing Council's meeting last month, Modi said for long, India had suffered from economic and political mismanagement.The Prime Minister also called for carrying forward the debate and discussions on holding simultaneous elections.Kumar also said the Election Commission should clear the doubts being raised on Electronic Voting Machines (EVM)."Earlier when EVMs were not there, something called booth capturing used to happen. Then EVMs came, we thought it would be fool-proof. I am sure the Election Commission will come out with something better," she said."Doubts (on EVMs) should be cleared," she added.