Baba Ramdev-promoted Patanjali Group will double its production capacity from Rs 30,000 crore now to Rs 60,000 crore in a year."Currently Patanjali is manufacturing goods worth Rs 30,000 crore, which will be increased to more than Rs 60,000 crore next year," Ramdev said here at a press meet on Thursday.The Haridwar-based fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) company also plans to double its distribution channels from 6,000 to 12,000 this year.The group has a yearly turnover Rs 10,561 crore, out of which Ayurveda comprises Rs 9,346 crore, Divya Pharmacy Rs 870 crore, and Patanjali Gramodyog Rs 345 crore.Talking about Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his involvement with the company, Ramdev clarified: "Modi is not endorsing Patanjali. I am a citizen of this country, he is as much mine as he is of the nation."Asking people not to connect Modi with Patanjali, he added: "Modi is not a brand ambassador for Patanjali, he in India's brand ambassador."