The incarcerated chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Shabir Ahmad Shah on Wednesday said the assertion of the United States that it would try and find its place in de-escalating Indo-Pak tensions is a “good beginning” and the “most welcome step”.In a statement issued to KNS, Shah expressed hope that other world nations will realise their responsibilities towards Kashmir issue and play their part.“The statement of US ambassador to the UN Nikki Hailey is better late than never. This is a proof that despite the negative propaganda of India and its collaborators, the cries of the oppressed people of Jammu Kashmir are being heard across the world and reaping fruitful results. The world is seriously mulling to take initiatives regarding Kashmir,” he said.Shah said if US takes steps, the UK too has to come forward to mediate as Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of partition (of India) and the creation of Britain.“We hope the world nations and bodies including UN, EU, and OIC will mediate in de-escalating the Indo-Pak tensions and resolve the Kashmir conflict. The people of Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan have long been favouring the third-party intervention but India on one hand is continuously presenting a misleading justification over its illegal occupation and on other is showing stubbornness over the issue,” he said.
Shah said both India and Pakistan are on the verge of a war and the unabated border skirmishes between the two nations are jeopardising peace in the entire South Asian region.The pro-freedom leader said the silence of UN over Kashmir amounts to injustice with the people of this state and encourages India to further its oppression in the disputed region as the same world institution has resolved the disputes like South Sudan, Croatia, and East Timur.“Now time has come for the world to hold India accountable for its anti-peace activities and put end to its regional hooliganism,” Shah said.The DFP chairman also welcomed the statement of UN Secretary General’s Spokesman Stephane Dujjaric that the world body is observing the LoC tensions and wants both nations to find a peaceful solution through engagement and dialogue.Shah said the UN must understand that the root cause of this conflict is India’s aggressive approach which has also led to several wars and unabated border skirmishes in the region.“India by escalating border tensions wants to divert world’s attention from the real issue – the Kashmir dispute. The UN instead of urging both nations to maintain ceasefire should take steps towards resolving the longstanding dispute by implementing the UN resolutions or through tripartite dialogue,” Shah said. (KNS)