DPS World School organized a seminar on Power Saving awareness at its campus, where students present their innovative views to save energy and participated in painting competition. According to the students electricity can be saved by follow the simple steps like to use always the natural air and light and avoid switching on lights during the day, Promptly switch off the lights and fans when the occupants leave the room / hall, Slim tube lights give better light and consume less electricity than the filament lamps, Avoid opening the refrigerator frequently.While speaking on this occasion Principal, Jyoti Nagra said that our traditional energy sources of coal, oil, firewood etc. were estimated to last for 20 -25 years, but the hike in demand would exhaust the resources within 10 to 12 years.
Thus, it was necessary to adopt the alternative measures to adopt solar energy devices to save energy, which would reduce the pollution and save people from various fatal diseases. She further added that it is high time for entrepreneurs and residents to tap non-conventional sources of power. Natural resources should be preserved and renewable energy sources should be utilized. Students should make efforts to propagate the message for using renewable energy sources as natural resources were not going to last long and nowadays technologies have been developed across the world, including India, to successfully utilize renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, biomass and urban & industrial waste to produce energy. In the end winners of painting competition were awarded prizes .